Faculty News
Dr. Dana Dillon was a recipient of the 2020-2021 Riccobono Academic Resilience Faculty Fellowship. Funded primarily through a generous gift from PC alumnus Chris Riccobono ’01, this fellowship is designed to promote academic resilience at Providence College through the integration of student well-being into coursework. The 2020-2021 program follows a highly successful pilot year with eight faculty fellows.

Dr. Kendra Brewster’s special edition on Critical Service Learning from the Journal of Community Engagement and Higher Education was published: (Not)Minding the gap: Negotiating social distance across service learning experiences. Kendra worked with Melanie Fricchione, and Sara Murphy, Department of Public and Community Studies; Phoebee Jean, Department of Health Policy and Management; and Christina Sloan, Department of Psychology and Spanish.

Dr. Keith Morton was recently featured on The Bartholomewtown Podcast with the Nonviolence Institute’s Sal Monteiro. They shared some thoughts regarding the murder of George Floyd and the civil unrest that has followed in its wake. You can access the podcast on Spotify, iTunes, or at this site.

Public and Community Service
Office Hours: 8:30-4:30pm
Feinstein 315